Signs of Ascending – Regg Evans

Psychic Mediumship and Intuitive Guidance Session

My reading with Regg was powerfully evidential. There is no doubt in my mind that Regg made a connection with my adored wife in spirit. He gave many items of evidence that fit together as a picture of her life that was precise and unmistakably her. It was an emotionally moving and unforgettable experience for me.    Regg has a comforting manner of speaking and places a high value on courtesy. I very much appreciate these traits in anyone, but in a psychic medium these are precious traits to make me feel comfortable so that my wife and I could connect through the means of Regg’s well-developed mediumistic talent.

I am very grateful to Regg for his diligence in setting up a time for a reading and for making every step in the process as comfortable and respectful as possible. I believe Regg is both a competent medium and psychic but also a fine gentleman with deep empathic power that comes through to someone who has the good fortune to come within the domain of his consciousness.