Signs of Ascending – Regg Evans

Complimentary Spiritual Healing

Spiritual Healing is the intention of passing healing energy and love to you as the client- patient recipient. This intention and promotion of Spiritual Healing is channeled by three methods, In-Person Contact, Distance Healing and Absent Healing. Healing energies is directed by the God source intelligence to the areas of the client- patient recipient where it is needed. The intention of healing is to promote love and well-being to the mind, body, soul and spirit. Healing is for everyone including our pets.

This is a Complimentary (Free) Service that is provided for the duration of 15 minutes.  Everyone is welcome!

Note: Although the sessions are free, many have inquired about sending a donation for Regg’s time and service.  For client convenience, we’ve added a Donation button below.
Schedule your Complimentary Healing Session