Signs of Ascending – Regg Evans

Signs of Ascending

Psychic Reading

Professionalism: Extremely Satisfied Subject matter expertise: Extremely Satisfied Communication ability: Extremely Satisfied Regg was an absolute joy to read with! He exuded great warmth and immediately connected to the subject at hand, providing clear and uplifting guidance. I felt empowered following our session and know that Spirit has a higher plan for my life. Thank you, Regg – I look forward to our next chance to connect. Would you consult with this advisor again, if you have a need?: Definitely Aylisa

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Psychic Reading and Psychic Email Questions

Regg is awesome. After receiving the reading I did not understand anything about what he said, to be honest. For example, he had said that I would open a business and in that moment that idea was out of my head. However, after 2 months everything what he had said made sense, my boyfriend and I are in the process of opening a business together. He is AWESOME!! I recommend him! Mayelin Muñoz

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Psychic Reading

I can’t praise him enough! First off he is a nice guy! I have dealt with other psychics who have an overpowering ego. Regg is humble and kind. And most importantly accurate beyond measure. He takes his time answering your questions. He taps in right away which is something else I appreciate. He is a true professional. He goes above and beyond! He is like talking to a good friend. He makes his clients feel at ease. He has helped me organize my thoughts and feelings. I tend to think the Spirit world must love him! Yep , he is that good! Book him today!! You will be very pleased! Trust the reviews PJ

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Psychic Email Questions

I received an email reading from Regg today, and I was truly blown away. The accuracy, depth, and kind articulate answers were nothing short of astounding. I’ve received other email reading that were literally one sentence answers, but not Regg. He interpreted the energy of the situation and people to an unparalleled degree of accuracy and provided more information than I could have hoped for. He gave me so much more than just a reading. I look forward to working with Regg again. M. C.

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Psychic Email Questions

Regg was able to tune into the energy of my relationship to a degree have never experienced. He provided so much information-far more than expected, and all of it was spot on. I mean, ALL of it! I’ve had plenty of readings over the years and I don’t think I’ve ever been more impressed. Regg’s kind, articulate, supportive way of expressing information was like being wrapped in a hug. Thank you so much, and I can’t wait to work with you again. M C

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